Channel - Architecture
9/28/2022 7:29:59 AM
Channel Videos
Innovation - Materials & implementation
P. Kalkhoven
10/11/2018 10:45:00 AM
1st SMART & ADAPTIVE; 2d: Evenwichtigheden
Various design drivers influence the architectural engineering design process, such as architectural criteria or multiple environmental impacts. Most of these conditions are time dependent, which leads to the challenge that the building system should be able to respond to or interact with these circumstances, in order to create high-performance systems.
This leads to the overall framework of "adaptive" or "smart" systems: in natural systems the integration of several disciplines and functions is self-evident. In contrast to traditional technical artefacts the understanding of natural systems makes clear, that the distinction between different disciplines leads not to optimum results - in natural systems, which are optimized over millions of years, the integration and adaptation of different function is self-evident.
Understanding these systems is a major scientific interest, since we can learn about their uses as structural or functional devices. Further on highly interesting is the adaption of thermal systems or functions which can influence the building physics of buildings.
The framework at the Architectural Engineering Chair is to develop new concepts with a holistic and sustainable approach and this can be achieved by the consequent introduction of adaptable building systems. Buildings and construction industry are one of the main consumers of energy in the world, but these new concepts will lead to environmental friendly, sustainable solutions by reducing the mass and energy demands of our built environment. Apart from reducing the embedded energy by using lightweight systems it is aimed to develop zero emission buildings, e. g. by using smart skins to control heat and light transmission through the building envelope. The objective of this idea is to study these concepts and to develop them further, in order to save our environment.
M.F. Asselbergs
11/25/2009 2:00:00 PM
Ageing Cities
S. Yimin
4/9/2015 7:00:00 AM
Architecture and the Interior
Default Presenter
5/23/2013 7:30:00 AM
Architecture As a Craft
We are very pleased to announce that on February the 4th, 2011 the book Architecture As a Craft will be presented by Professor Michiel Riedijk.
The 15 essays in ‘Architecture as a Craft’ present a vision of the architectural discipline in which the essence is sought in the craft itself. The book is based on the symposium of the same name that the Delft University of Technology organized in 2009.
Design without external influences
Society imposes stringent demands on the designs of architects, for example in the field of sustainability. Programmes of requirements are drawn up for this purpose that exert a strong influence on the design. The contributors to ‘Architecture as a Craft’, however, consider that it is necessary to grasp the structure of a design without these external influences playing a role.
Three perspectives
The craft of the architect is approached in this book from three perspectives: the Position adopted by the architect in the design and construction process, the Composition of the design, and the choice of Materials of the design. Design drawings, scale models and texts play an important role in this process. They are the products with which architects explain their position, the composition and the choice of materials of the design to others.
Michael Maltzan, Enrique Walker, Joan Ockman, Giorgio Grassi, Kersten Geers, Ungers, Emre Alturk, Gregg Pasquarelli, Sou Fujimoto, Mark Linder, Jan De Vylder, Alper Alkan, Stefano Milani, Michiel Riedijk, Christoph Gantenbein.
M. Riedijk
2/4/2011 1:00:00 PM
W.G.M. Maas
10/15/2009 1:00:00 PM
Beauty and the good: Problems of architectural axiology
C. Illies
7/11/2014 8:00:00 AM
Bewogen bewegingen, landschap onder de motorkap
D.F. Sijmons
10/16/2015 1:00:00 PM
Default Presenter
4/1/2009 10:00:00 AM
Default Presenter
3/27/2008 12:45:00 PM
Building a circular future
9/5/2018 3:30:00 PM
Building our Future
P.J. Russel
9/30/2016 10:00:00 AM
Circularity in the Built Environment - morning session
K.C.A.M. Luyben
7/1/2015 7:00:00 AM
Correcting the Theories of Choice, Economics, and Games
J. Barzilai
5/15/2009 10:00:00 AM
Designers of the Future
Allies and Morrison are the master planners for the Olympic Games of 2012 in London. Title of the lecture is 'Cultivating the city: London before and after 2012". Bob Allies will address the potentialities and effects of large scale manifestations on cities, not only during, but especially after the event. He will discuss the importance of engaging with a variety of scale levels: from small to large, from building to city. Through a detailed analysis of recent work by Allies and Morrison Studios he will define some of the future challenges for architects and urban planners dealing with the changing urban condition.
The office has an oeuvre ranging from small scale projects with strong contextual and classical inspirations (among them the British Embassy in Dublin) to larger scale buildings: housing (Bankside 123 in London), offices, educational and cultural facilities (the Institute of Criminology at the University of Greenwich; the renewal of the Royal Festival Hall in London). Recent projects engage also strongly with the urban scale: the redevelopment of the area of King's Cross Central in London and the masterplanning for the Olympic Games.
Wouter Mikmak Foundation
De Wouter Mikmak Foundation is founded in September 2005 in honour of architect Wouter Jorinus Mikmak. Following his death, his widow Mrs. Mikmak uttered the wish to develop an initiative for young architects to honour her late husband. The Mikmak family approached the Faculty of Architecture and DBSG Stylos Society for students, in September 2005 this collaboration resulted in the formation of the Wouter Mikmak Foundation.
Designers of the Future
The main goal of the Wouter Mikmak Foundation is to actively contribute to the architectural debate and knowledge in the Netherlands. In order to do so, the Wouter Mikmak Foundation organizes a yearly lecture by an international architect, urban designer or theorist, that deals with future challenges. Subsequently these lectures are published as books, which are published by SUN publishers. It is the intention of the foundation to make in this way a substantial contribution to the education of young architects, as well as to the architectural practice in the Netherlands.
B. Allies
11/25/2009 4:00:00 PM
Digitalisation Pecha Kucha
11/12/2019 11:45:00 AM
Various design drivers influence the architectural engineering design process, such as architectural criteria or multiple environmental impacts. Most of these conditions are time dependent, which leads to the challenge that the building system should be able to respond to or interact with these circumstances, in order to create high-performance systems.
This leads to the overall framework of "adaptive" or "smart" systems: in natural systems the integration of several disciplines and functions is self-evident. In contrast to traditional technical artefacts the understanding of natural systems makes clear, that the distinction between different disciplines leads not to optimum results - in natural systems, which are optimized over millions of years, the integration and adaptation of different function is self-evident.
Understanding these systems is a major scientific interest, since we can learn about their uses as structural or functional devices. Further on highly interesting is the adaption of thermal systems or functions which can influence the building physics of buildings.
The framework at the Architectural Engineering Chair is to develop new concepts with a holistic and sustainable approach and this can be achieved by the consequent introduction of adaptable building systems. Buildings and construction industry are one of the main consumers of energy in the world, but these new concepts will lead to environmental friendly, sustainable solutions by reducing the mass and energy demands of our built environment. Apart from reducing the embedded energy by using lightweight systems it is aimed to develop zero emission buildings, e. g. by using smart skins to control heat and light transmission through the building envelope. The objective of this idea is to study these concepts and to develop them further, in order to save our environment.
M.F. Asselbergs
11/25/2009 2:00:00 PM
Flesh, Blood, Bones and Buildings
H. Mallinson
7/10/2014 8:00:00 AM
Fragmentatie en structuur
Uitdagingen voor onderzoek en beleid
Ruimtelijk beleid en onderzoek naar dat beleid worden geconfronteerd met een tweevoudig fragmentatie-proces. Dat is aan de ene kant de fragmentatie van de ruimtelijke orde en aan de andere kant de fragmentatie van de sturingsorde.
Ruimtelijke ordeningen die voorheen duidelijk herkenbaar waren als zijnde hiërarchisch of om redenen van hun morfologie dan wel functionele structuur duidelijk te herkennen waren, zijn uiteengevallen, gefragmenteerd geraakt en deels opnieuw geordend in nieuwe, complexe structuren. Het herkennen van deze structuren vraagt om verfijnde onderzoeksmethoden, technieken en data. Het ontstaan van een nieuwe relationele ruimtelijke orde wordt in de wetenschappelijke literatuur als een nieuw paradigma gezien. Met een ondertoon van verwondering wordt waargenomen dat ruimtelijke planners maar mondjesmaat erin slagen dit nieuwe paradigma te laten doordringen in de wereld van ruimtelijke plannen en beleidsvorming. De oorzaken daarvan krijgen in de literatuur te weinig aandacht. Teveel wordt over het hoofd gezien dat in ruimtelijke planning besluitvorming gericht is op specifieke plekken en territoria. Daarbij komt dat wetenschappers zelf een taak hebben bij het overbruggen van de kloof tussen ruimtelijk onderzoek en ruimtelijk beleid. Van groot belang is ook om anders te denken over de functies van ruimtelijke plannen. Strategische ruimtelijke plannen hebben vooral een planningculturele betekenis en dragen kaders en argumenten aan voor het nemen van concrete operationele beslissingen.. De band met concrete operationele besluitvorming moet los zijn omdat anders de discussie over de concrete allocatie van financiële middelen en instrumenten een blokkade opwerpt voor een open dialoog over de kenmerken en kwaliteiten van plekken en gebieden.
W.A.M. Zonneveld
9/11/2009 1:00:00 PM
Geodesign Summit Europe 2014 - day01
H. Scholten
9/11/2014 8:00:00 AM
Geodesign Summit Europe 2016; day 1 - Plenary sessions
Default Presenter
11/1/2016 8:00:00 AM
Geodesign Summit Europe 2016; day 2 - Plenary sessions
Default Presenter
11/2/2016 12:00:00 PM
Geo-informatie: van iedereen, voor iedereen
J.E. Stoter
10/29/2014 2:00:00 PM
Innovation: Process & Opportunity
P. Kalkhoven
9/12/2018 10:45:00 AM
Internationale Workshop_20080407
P. de Ruiter
4/7/2008 6:30:00 AM
Intreerede ' Uitdagend & waardevol'
J.D.M. van Hal
5/7/2008 1:00:00 PM
IPHS Gordon Cherry Memorial Lecture – Jyoti Hosagrahar
J. Hosagrahar
7/20/2016 11:15:00 AM
IPHS Keynote Lunch Talk – Michelangelo Russo
M. Russo
7/19/2016 10:15:00 AM
IPHS Keynote Speech – Shun-Ichi Watanabe
S.I. Watanabe
7/20/2016 2:00:00 PM
IPHS Plenary Prize Awards Ceremony & Closing Remarks
C. Hein
7/20/2016 2:30:00 PM
Is de volkshuisvesting uitgewoond?
De Nederlandse volkshuisvesting geniet internationaal faam. Studenten van over de hele wereld melden zich aan om in Delft hun Masters of PhD te komen doen in Housing. Zij zijn zeer geïnteresseerd in hoe Nederland het wonen heeft georganiseerd en zijn gefascineerd door de goede resultaten die Nederland heeft geboekt. Maar ondertussen ligt in Nederland dit succesvolle systeem hevig onder vuur. De sociale huursector was lange tijd paradepaardje, maar staat nu ter discussie en geniet bepaald geen warme belangstelling van de huidige regering. De hypotheekrenteaftrek is een tweede paradepaardje dat wordt gekoesterd door de huidige regering. Echter, alle woningmarktexperts zijn het er over eens dat dit beleid niet houdbaar is en dat hervorming noodzakelijk is.
In de internationale literatuur staat de eigen woning centraal als zeer efficiënt en als sociaal vangnet voor de toekomst. Hoe meer koopwoningen hoe beter lijkt het adagium. Een eigen huis betekent verantwoordelijkheid en een prive vangnet en daarmee een alternatief voor de welvaartstaat. Met name de Angelsaksische literatuur propageert het eigen huis als ideaal en alternatief sociaal systeem. Dit geloof heeft bijgedragen aan de Global Financial Crisis.
Prof. Dr. Ir Marja Elsinga concludeert dat de Nederlandse woningmarkt en relatief gezien prima voorstaat, alleen het huidige systeem in Nederland is uitgewoond en dat zowel de sociale huursector als de hypotheekrenteaftrek aan hervorming toe zijn. Echter, zij is van mening dat er meer is dan de US en de UK die dominant zijn in onderzoek en debat. De eigen woning is geen oplossing voor alles, maar kent vele haken en ogen. Het zou goed zijn om eens beter te kijken naar de oosterburen in Duitsland, een markt die wordt gedomineerd door huurwoningen en op zoek te gaan naar nieuwe mechanismen van concurrentie, financiering en solidariteit. Dit biedt inspiratie voor een typisch Nederlands antwoord op deze neoliberale trend.
M.G. Elsinga
3/4/2011 2:00:00 PM
Opening Exhibition Vertical Village
W. Patijn
10/7/2010 3:00:00 PM
Pritzker Prize 2014
Each year, the ceremony to award the Pritzker Architecture Prize is held in a culturally, historically, or architecturally significant location around the world. This year’s ceremony took place on June 13, 2014, at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
Shigeru Ban, a Tokyo-born, 56-year-old architect with offices in Tokyo, Paris and New York, is rare in the field of architecture. He designs elegant, innovative work for private clients, and uses the same inventive and resourceful design approach for his extensive humanitarian efforts. For twenty years Ban has traveled to sites of natural and man-made disasters around the world, to work with local citizens, volunteers and students, to design and construct simple, dignified, low-cost, recyclable shelters and community buildings for the disaster victims.
S. Ban
6/14/2014 1:00:00 PM
ReciproCities, een dynamisch evenwicht
A. van Timmeren
4/17/2013 1:00:00 PM
Rethinking the spatial impact of the Olympics
J.C. Kirchert
4/17/2014 11:45:00 AM
Various design drivers influence the architectural engineering design process, such as architectural criteria or multiple environmental impacts. Most of these conditions are time dependent, which leads to the challenge that the building system should be able to respond to or interact with these circumstances, in order to create high-performance systems.
This leads to the overall framework of "adaptive" or "smart" systems: in natural systems the integration of several disciplines and functions is self-evident. In contrast to traditional technical artefacts the understanding of natural systems makes clear, that the distinction between different disciplines leads not to optimum results - in natural systems, which are optimized over millions of years, the integration and adaptation of different function is self-evident.
Understanding these systems is a major scientific interest, since we can learn about their uses as structural or functional devices. Further on highly interesting is the adaption of thermal systems or functions which can influence the building physics of buildings.
The framework at the Architectural Engineering Chair is to develop new concepts with a holistic and sustainable approach and this can be achieved by the consequent introduction of adaptable building systems. Buildings and construction industry are one of the main consumers of energy in the world, but these new concepts will lead to environmental friendly, sustainable solutions by reducing the mass and energy demands of our built environment. Apart from reducing the embedded energy by using lightweight systems it is aimed to develop zero emission buildings, e. g. by using smart skins to control heat and light transmission through the building envelope. The objective of this idea is to study these concepts and to develop them further, in order to save our environment.
P. Teuffel
11/25/2009 2:00:00 PM
Smart and Sustainable Built Environments (SESBE)
SASBE2009 will be the biggest event in the European region on sustainable building and development before 2011. With our motto we aim at a positive, proactive approach to sustainability in the built environment, via different disciplines and on different scales.
We invite everyone — academics as well as private and public parties from the market — to join us in presenting solutions rather than problems at SASBE2009.
Z.K.H. Prins van Oranje
6/16/2009 9:30:00 AM
Social Design of Cities: INTI vs. UTT
W.A.J. Vanstiphout
4/1/2015 5:00:00 PM
Sustain BK City
Default Presenter
5/20/2009 10:45:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart_Bio Based Building Materials
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart_C2C for the Urban Environment
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart_Earth Wind & Fire
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart_Welcome
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium Michael Braungart_Zero-Materials a new approach
4/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
Symposium: Valse Start?
Default Presenter
6/10/2009 1:30:00 PM
The Next City Event
T.H. Salij
10/7/2010 7:00:00 AM
Use your potential!
A.A.J.F. van den Dobbelsteen
6/1/2010 10:30:00 AM
Visual form in architecture, and its integration with moral and political values
N. Zangwill
7/10/2014 2:30:00 PM
Whatever Happened to Semi-Autonomy?
G. Owen
7/11/2014 2:30:00 PM
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