Designers of the Future
Allies and Morrison are the master planners for the Olympic Games of 2012 in London. Title of the lecture is 'Cultivating the city: London before and after 2012". Bob Allies will address the potentialities and effects of large scale manifestations on cities, not only during, but especially after the event. He will discuss the importance of engaging with a variety of scale levels: from small to large, from building to city. Through a detailed analysis of recent work by Allies and Morrison Studios he will define some of the future challenges for architects and urban planners dealing with the changing urban condition.
The office has an oeuvre ranging from small scale projects with strong contextual and classical inspirations (among them the British Embassy in Dublin) to larger scale buildings: housing (Bankside 123 in London), offices, educational and cultural facilities (the Institute of Criminology at the University of Greenwich; the renewal of the Royal Festival Hall in London). Recent projects engage also strongly with the urban scale: the redevelopment of the area of King's Cross Central in London and the masterplanning for the Olympic Games.
Wouter Mikmak Foundation
De Wouter Mikmak Foundation is founded in September 2005 in honour of architect Wouter Jorinus Mikmak. Following his death, his widow Mrs. Mikmak uttered the wish to develop an initiative for young architects to honour her late husband. The Mikmak family approached the Faculty of Architecture and DBSG Stylos Society for students, in September 2005 this collaboration resulted in the formation of the Wouter Mikmak Foundation.
Designers of the Future
The main goal of the Wouter Mikmak Foundation is to actively contribute to the architectural debate and knowledge in the Netherlands. In order to do so, the Wouter Mikmak Foundation organizes a yearly lecture by an international architect, urban designer or theorist, that deals with future challenges. Subsequently these lectures are published as books, which are published by SUN publishers. It is the intention of the foundation to make in this way a substantial contribution to the education of young architects, as well as to the architectural practice in the Netherlands.
B. Allies
11/25/2009 4:00:00 PM
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